Good Soil / 초등부

FORM: We exist to serve our students to be Good Soil that is receptive toward the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ that they could have faith in the Lord and build an everlasting relationship with the Trinity.

선한청지기교회 초등부는 학생들이 하나님의 말씀과 그리스도의 복음을 받아들일 수 있는 좋은밭이 되어서 주님안에 믿음을 가지고 성삼위일체 하나님과 영원한 관계를 맺을 수 있도록 섬기기 위해서 존재합니다.

Every Sunday, we aim to provide a structured worship environment for students to experience congregational worship and learn about God and the gospel through various worship elements such as praise, offering, sermons, and reciting the Apostle’s Creed, and Bible memory verses. Also, we teach students by using a chronological Bible curriculum (Gospel Project by LifeWay) both in worship service and Bible study group time.

Throughout the year, we invite students and their families to various kinds of children's programs in order to create opportunities of fellowship in the faith community.

연중 행사 안내

Come Worship With Us (3월: 부모와 함께 드리는 예배)
Children Family Field Trip (4월: 가족 야유회)
Vacation Bible School (6월: 여름성경학교)
Graduation (7월: 졸업식)
Come Worship With Us (9월: 부모와 함께 드리는 예배)
Harvest Festival (10월: 가을 축제)
Christmas Program (12월: 성탄 프로그램)

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